She's Finally Here! Introducing Skyy Amari


These are the days I prayed for. My heart is so full and I can’t believe our baby girl Skyy is finally here. Many of you have patiently been waiting for pictures and videos and I apologize for the delay. The hubster and I have spent the past few days getting to know our baby girl and adjusting to parenthood. Scroll on down for some cuteness of Skyy and to read her birth story.

Skyy’s Birth Story

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There’s no climatic drama-filled birth story to report here. Sorry! Skyy was scheduled to be delivered via c-section on October 17 and that’s exactly how things transpired. Prep time started at 10am and I was walked down to the OR at noon. This is when things got real. Although I’ve had surgery before, I was terrified about the whole c-section process and having to get a spinal tap. I squeezed the heck out of my Mac’s hand when they administered it and I vividly remember one of the nurses trying her best to comfort me and keep me calm. After the tap, they laid me down, turned on an a R&B playlist, and it was go time! I can proudly say that my baby came out to the sounds of Bobby Brown, India Arie, and Earth, Wind, and Fire!

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The minutes felt like hours as we waited to meet Skyy. I’m so thankful for the hubster because he kept me so calm during everything. He sat right behind me, stroked my head, and made small talk to distract me while things went down. I’m not trying to be too graphic, but one thing anesthesia doesn’t take away is the pressure and prodding you feel during the procedure. At 12:17pm I finally heard the words I prayed that we’d hear… she’s here! They lifted her up over the drape, and I saw the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen. My tears were uncontrollable. In that moment our lives changed forever. My eyes fill up with tears every time I recount that moment.

We are so thankful to Jehovah for a healthy baby. Despite gestational diabetes, Skyy passed all her sugar tests and came out with zero issues. She was a healthy 6lbs 8 oz and 18 inches of pure love. She had her first doctor’s appointment yesterday and is doing great!

The First Few Days

We were originally scheduled to spend 3 nights in the hospital. I was ready to break out by day 3. The nurses at the hospital were great but I was so uncomfortable in our hospital room. Interestingly, the recovery from my myomectomy last year was 10x more rough than c-section recovery thus far. The nurses were a little shocked by my progress early on. My doctor and Skyy’s pediatrician agreed to let us leave on early since both of us were doing well. I’m still very sore, but the pain has not been nearly as bad as I anticipated.

Life at Home

Motherhood has been challenging but so rewarding. Mac is on paternity leave and the both of us have been working together to meet Skyy’s needs. We have an amazing support team and Skyy’s Auntie Star, Uncle Joe, Cousin Eli, and grandma have been showering her with lots of love and care. It’s amazing how much love and joy Skyy has brought to our lives in just a few short days. Now that she’s here, we cannot imagine life without her.

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Thanks so much for all your calls, texts, and messages! Right now, we aren’t allowing visitors at home but we’ll be sure to keep everyone updated on Skyy’s progress. In the meantime, stay tuned for more photos and social shares!
