Kickin' it at Dallas Kwestival

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of attending Dallas Kwestival. Kwestival was an awesome festival held at Klyde Warren Park in Dallas, TX. The purpose of Kwestival was to showcase various neighborhoods and businesses located around the city. 

Kwestival truly embodies the notion of getting out to explore your own city. Dallas is comprised of so many different neighborhoods and it was awesome to see them represented. The festival was filled with unique local vendors that offered an array of different products and services. Kwestival was also extremely foodie friendly as there were tons of great local treats! 


Are you making an effort to get out and explore your own city? You may be surprised at what you find. Whether its going to a fun park, checking out a museum, or a new restaurant do something different!

Were you able to attend Kwestival?  If so, what did you think? Drop a line in the comments and let me know. 
