What's Up With Shasha: January 2018
/Is today really the last day of January? It seemed like everyone was just all over social media popping bottles for the New Year.
Trust me, I had high hopes for hitting the ground running in 2018 but things didn't go as planned. At the end of December I recieved devastating news that my cousin passed away. You may remember seeing this post on Instagram where I alluded to it.
His death was quite the blow. After hearing the news, nothing really mattered to me except trying to find a way to make it to his memorial. Thankfully, my sister and I found some last-minute flights and were able to attend. I look forward to the time when I can see him again, and I truly appreciate the outpouring of love and support. I received so many DM's, texts, and sweet comments that really helped encourage me. Y'all are seriously the best.
I got sick a few days after arriving back home. I'm still not sure if it was the flu, (I tested negative) but I was treated for it. I feel like everyone, seriously EVERYONE that I know in Dallas has been sick over the last few weeks. I felt better for about a week, but went back to the doctor last week and was sick out of my mind with bronchitis. I'm finally starting to feel normal but I'm still giving my cough a side eye.
This month has been ROUGH. I had to cancel a lot of events and even a trip to Miami that I was bummed about not making. In the grand scheme it's just not that serious. Life is way too short to complain about things that didn't go as planned. I'm determined to do a better job of not "sweating the small stuff in 2018."
Despite all the struggles, I'm so happy about the numerous opportunities that have slid in my inbox and you'll see them soon. The past week has been exciting and kinda overwhelming, but ya girl is out here working! Comp Camp Dallas is confirmed for February 24 and I'm hosting an awesome Ladies Night on March 10 that you should come out to (you can reserve your ticket by clicking here.)
In the meantime, y'all know where to find me, and don't trip if life doesn't go as planned. Always remember that a minor setback is a setup for a major comeback.