What's Up With Shasha: June 2020
/Hey Loves!
How are y’all holding up? I know things have been so heavy. Is it just me or do you feel like 2020 has been a heavy year in general?
Over the last two weeks, I took a break from social media. Probably a month or so ago, I felt myself starting to go down a hole. Between COVID-19 and then seeing the events surrounding George Floyd’s death, everything became so hard to process. On top of it all, my husband received short notice that he had to return to work. That not only caused a tremendous shift in our day-to-day family life, but gave me increased anxiety over his health and safety.
I can’t recall the exact day, but I remember watching the news on a Saturday when many protests around the US started to rev up. I normally try to limit the amount of news I watch, but on that particular afternoon I took in way too much. I found myself overwhelmed and disheartened by so many of the images I saw. That night, I struggled to go to sleep because my anxiety was out of control. I laid in bed, prayed, and meditated on one of my favorite scriptures that helps calm me when I feel anxious.I pleaded to God to calm my heart and mind.
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious for I am your God. ”
I woke up the next morning feeling a little better and I knew I needed to get myself together. You may not know this, but I struggle with anxiety. I started sticking to my rules of limiting the amount of news I consume, I barely logged into my social media accounts, and took time each day to mediate on scriptures that provide comfort and give hope for the future. I truly believe that God is the only one that can bring true justice and change in the world described at Revelation 21:3, 4. I have a firm hope that he will do this by means of his kingdom at Matthew 6:9, 10.
I know that this year and the recent weeks have been so tough. I pray that you can continue to find peace and comfort. Take breaks to protect your mental health, and show love to others. Times are tough, but the Bible provides so much hope and the things we are going through are temporary. (Psalms 37:3-11, 29)
I plan on coming back to IG later this week, but in the meantime I wanted to share a few anti-racism resources and scriptures you may find comforting during these tough times.
Comforting Scriptures
“God is not partial.” Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11
“God hates injustice.” Judges 2:18
“You must love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 12:31
The Bible’s Viewpoint
Personal Experiences of Injustice
I love y’all and can’t thank you enough for all your love and support.